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Links, tools and products

For more information on any of the content focus areas on our site, click on the link. This month, you may want to click on Healthy Organizations.

Ten Ways to Build a Healthy Organization: The potential for health and vitality, in individuals and organizations, is always present, waiting to be unleashed. "Unhealthy workplaces" with out-of-balance cultures are, in fact, full ofcreative potential. To remove the blocks to vitality, and re-focus the flow of creativity released in the process, start with a clear understanding of what you and your organization are aiming for — health. Download this complimentary tool.

Yoga Practice: Please visit The Movement Center for more information regarding the practice of Yoga and a schedule of up-coming yoga events.

The Yoga of Leadership and Healthy Systems Model, Practices and Associated Questions to Create and Sustain Health: Use this tool to assess your organization’s readiness to create and sustain vitality, productivity and purpose. Download this complimentary tool.

An Interview with Sara Grigsby

Stories, conversations and cases

This is the third of four interviews with Sara Grigsby, the founder of Healthy Systems and Senior OD Consultant for NW Natural Gas. Mira Ames, a communications specialist who writes for Healthy Systems, conducts the interview.

The purpose of this interview is to provide a model of practice for leaders – a model that supports healthy systems.

Click here for the interview with Sara Grigsby.

We are interested in stories about organizational health, culture and operational improvement. If you have a story to tell, please contact us at: info@healthysystems.net.

The ABCs of Change

Information and Insights

Healthy systems, both individuals and organizations, Act from a state of Balance in the face of Change.

Leaders conduct meetings and act on long-range planning within an ever-changing environment. Circumstances change day to day. It takes balance to navigate these changing waters and shifting tides.

Ultimately the locus of control to find balance and act from it lies within each of us and within every member of your organization. Attitude plays a part. Some people seem better at change than others. Discipline and practice also play a part. How do individuals and organizations cultivate and maintain this state?

In addition to the knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) in our specialties and workplace expertise, a few core leadership practices help us to act from a place of balance in the face of change.


PRACTICE #1: The discipline to hold a healthy focus and a desired direction takes skill and discipline. Do you know what you want and do you remind yourself of it every day. Strategic planning and values clarification start you on this path but focus must be integrated into daily work such as performance management systems and process design.

PRACTICE #2: Cultivate KSAs for designing your various activities to accomplish desired goals and strategies. For example, can you design an effective meeting agenda? Do you know how to design a realistic project plan?

PRACTICE #3: A mindset of respect and experience in serving the larger system within which you operate enables you to move beyond limited perceptions and short sightedness. Humility, collaborative relationships, consideration of others and gratitude balance pride, and competitive and survivalist natures.

PRACTICE #4: An openness to change is based on a faith and experience that change can bring opportunity and potential. New input and data signals the need for adaptation or resolve.

PRACTICE #5: The KSAs needed to release the bottlenecks and habits that restrict us are many and varied. Operationally, you may have process bottlenecks that require process improvements. Interpersonally you may experience impasses that require skills in negotiation. Individually we all have blinders and face dilemmas that require new mindsets and creativity.


Words and Meaning

Establishing a shared language

The following are definitions of key words found in the issue.

A conscious exertion of power: hard work; A serious attempt, try; Something produced by exertion or trying

Mindful; Purposeful; Aware

A subject or field of activity; A mental self control used in directing or changing behavior, learning something or training for something; The ability to behave in a controlled and calm way even in a difficult or stressful situation; To make yourself act or work in a controlled or regular way; A field of study; Training that corrects, molds or perfects the mental faculties or moral character; Control gained by enforcing obedience or order; Orderly or prescribed conduct or pattern of behavior; Self-control

An agreement or pledge to do something in the future; Devotion or dedication, for example, to a cause, person or relationship;

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•   The Yoga of Leadership is published by Healthy Systems,
PO Box 146, Corbett, Oregon 97019