Corporate Wellness
There is a reciprocal relationship between the vitality and productivity of your organization and the wellbeing and motivation of its people. Wellness programs recognize this and focus on the individual person knowing that investment in the human resource will improve the company ROI. Building in human measurements of wellbeing and satisfaction into the dashboard of the organization and supporting individual wellbeing on many fronts are the basics of Corporate Wellness initiatives.
The Yoga of Leadership and Healthy Systems Model, Practices and Associated Questions to Create and Sustain Health: Use this tool to assess your organization’s readiness to create and sustain vitality, productivity and purpose. Download this complimentary tool.
Yoga Practice #1 - A Meditation of Breath and Awareness: Start wherever you are at this very moment. There is no need to change your immediate circumstance for this yoga practice. Download this complimentary yoga routine.
Yoga Practice #2: Please visit The Movement Center for more information regarding the practice of Yoga and a schedule of up-coming yoga events.
Yoga Practice #3: How
we see ourselves determines how we present ourselves to the world and thus
influences our feedback -- the reflection back from the world. There are
many phrases that point to this
dynamic. “Where you start is where you end up,” or “We
create our own reality” -- perhaps not instantly but
moment to moment and gradually over time. This is a conscious activity. How much effort and consciousness will you bring to your daily life? How much focus are you willing to invest in yourself - the quality of your life, your relationships, your wellbeing? Learning about organizational change starts with experiencing the fire of personal change. Spark that flame with your Wish to Grow. Download
the yoga routine.